New research from the Taipei Veterans General Hospital in Taiwan has found that regularly brushing your teeth alongside regular visits to the dentist could help prevent the risk of a stroke. The research team found that performing a deep clean on your teeth could vastly reduce the risk of getting atrial fibrillation (irregular heartbeat), which […]
Drinking Green Tea And Coffee Could Reduce Stroke Risk
A new study has discovered that drinking green tea and coffee on a daily basis could help lower the risk of having a stroke. This is the only study to research the combined impact of green tea and coffee in connection with stroke risk on a big scale. The study followed 83,269 Japanese adults over […]
Antipsychotic Drugs Could Triple The Risk Of Stroke
Antipsychotic drugs kill around 1,800 patients in Britain every year with many more suffering serious side effects. Some care homes often see the medication as an easier way to calm dementia sufferers who are in distress. Recently new research shows that they should only be prescribed in small doses. Antipsychotic drugs have a strong sedative […]
Excessive Alcohol Can Put You At Risk Of A Stroke
To mark World Stroke Day (29th October 2012) we are raising the awareness of how important a healthy lifestyle is in combating stroke and other health conditions. Having the odd bottle of wine or gin and tonic may be a good way to enjoy the evening. But doing this regularly may put you at a […]
Tomatoes Could Really Help In The Fight Against A Stroke
New research has revealed that over one thousand men with high amounts of lycopene in their blood had been at a reduced risk of having a stroke within the following twelve years. In types of foods such as tomatoes, red peppers and papaya, its the chemical lycopene which gives them their distinct red color. For […]